Online Magazine


Monday 6 June 2011


    Lack of trust-Wether you like it or not no relationship will be successful without trust.It is very important in every relationship.It actually one of the keys that keeps relationship going.Alot of broken relationship ended as a result of lack of trust.couples should learn to have trust among themselves and the best way to achieve this is to be honest  to yourself because it's the key to establishing trust in relationships of any type.Sometimes jealousy can be a major cause for a lack of trust in relationships. Some people simply are possessed of a jealous nature, seeing suspicious behaviour where it’s not warranted. This case is another story altogether. On the other hand, if your behaviour or actions warrant suspicion, as might be the case of a partner who flirts shamelessly in your presence, any previously established trust in the relationship might well go down the drain.
     Trust is a vital component of a relationship.In order to be trusted you must also learn to trust in return.To cape it all up.when you find a relationship that is worth staying,learn to to be honest.It goes a long way in building up a  relationship.You could be the prettiest/handsome,that doesn't guaranteed a happy ending..
          Distrust is never a good thing in relationships.It leads to one misunderstanding to another.

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