Monday, 25 June 2012

Complete Fashion CF20 Style Night 2012 - Tonto Dikeh With Toyin Lawani,Halima Abubakar,Susan Peters,Annie Macualay Idibia ,Karen Igho

WOW!We all know Tonto Dikeh is no longer a stranger to fashion.I'm a huge fan of sequins and I think she look classy.Toyin Lawani on the other hand is always committed to her style.She is  the sexy lady in red.Nice!

Tonto Dikeh with Toyin Lawani

Karen Igho rocked a snake skin fitted and!! girl you look damn hottie!!

Ugonna Umeruo

Karen Igho ,Halima Abubakar with Annie Macualay Idibia

Susan Peters with Halima


  1. I love tonto Dikeh.I think when people say she is not pretty they are really jealous lol I mean I understand it may just be peoples opinions but when you are gorgeous and live a life like hers people get jealous. Especially when someone says she is a bad person because that is just false.

    1. @ toyin I thought she was someone else then saw the name lol I've never seen her before but I like her outfit..They are both cute

  2. Tonto and the lady in red is the best the red gown.

  3. she is a gorgeous woman..she's hella pretty.

  4. Loving the two ladies..

  5. Pls susan peters shuld stop wearn dinner gown...her shape z sooooooooooo bad. It makes me wanna Puke.. Ha!

  6. egoblaze' Osisi25 June 2012 at 06:19

    I don't like the other pix, but Toyin and Tonto looks awesome in those gown, it looks great..loving it.

  7. I love the dress @ Tonto, I just wish it was more fitted...and the other lady look great..I love karen's dress,showed off her curves.Sorry to say maliq @ halima lovely hair a NO dress.Annie not bad.

  8. I done love her hair..Maybe a pony tail would have been better.Toyin is the best dressed.

  9. Nice shape Karen..Tonto rocking it too

  10. Why is halima looking like a white garment woaman..Tonto and Toyin"s dress are just wow!karen is looking sexy,annie looks nice too...Susan peters nice one!

    1. U dey crıtısıze d gal go stl wear d unexpected.she looks gud,dey all dıs.u can see she havın fun

  11. Das d dıff btw dem n halıma,she has her style,ıf she wants a stylıst she can get dem,ı dont tınk she want 2 b same wıt odas kapısh#teamhalıma

  12. Bcos she her sef.Am not expectıng halıma ın a regular attıre cos she doın her own tı her dıck and v fun cos ıts nt dat serıous

  13. The neck line of Tontoh's dress didn't do justice to it. the clothe just didn't fit her. that kinda clothe isn't supposed to b maxi on d wearer. And Halima, d material of her outfit made it look like dat of a white garment church. Annie should learn how to flaunt boobs with her dress if she likes to dress dat way. u don't flaunt a 'pressed up' boobs; pressed by ur outfit. others look ok.

  14. How old is susan peters, she look so old, halima halima halimat, no comment.

  15. Halima look hell like a granny..WTF!!

  16. Why call halima3 times?haha funny...I love halima...she look gud plus d light is low so u can hardly see d beauty in her gown...I lov all of dem

  17. Halıma cracks me up lmao see d last pose very funy and goofy ı love dıs gurl

  18. Karen is the best!

  19. I dnt like halima's dress cos It doesn't exacly luk classy and she bendin down infront everyone 2 pose serzly? Dat is just wrong. Tonto's dress woulda bin cuter wiv 1 slit. D 2 slits in front common girl dat is sooo 200ndlate. Toyin's dress I like d most even tho dats nt exactly a 'wow' dress. Buh its cute

  20. Mıchele chıll u can see ıts a fun pıc,bendın ıs notı u jare halımat

  21. y is toyin lawani always hiding her hands in every fucking pictures.

  22. @ Tonoto Dikeh,The gown needed no side opening, the air should av been pony tail. Nice choice of colour @toyin. Make it stoooopppp

  23. Omg this toyin was I girl is a Goddess jeeeeeezzz....fashionista tho badt feeling you girl... Best dressed hands down

  24. Toyyyyyiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn lawani.....the best stylist we have so far keep it up girl but I beg why be say u no fit help halima ....she looks like a joke pls halima invest in a mirror

  25. Tonto I love the hair colour it's really nice on you and tonto and toyin are just stunning

  26. Touche. Solid arguments. Keep up the amazing spirit.

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