Thursday 15 September 2011

Lady Gaga From Good To bad Fashion.

Lady Gaga again! yeah right I couldn’t help it. This is why she is a celebrity and you are not. I think the differences between you and a celebrity in these modern era is that they can wear whatever they like and get away with it, why you simply can’t.Maybe am right. Because I just can’t figure out why on earth would someone dress like this and still be celebrated. Totally out of fashion.A no no no for me.Even barbies don't dress this crazy and scary.

Lady Gaga is fantastic in her music creativity but her fashion is definitely ‘’a BIG no’’ in the fashion industry. Although Celebrities are under constant scrutiny to always look good. However, when these celebrities over do it that get all the attention they'll need. Gaga is the bold of the bold but that doesn't make her the most fashionable. She looks great when she is being fashionable but not the other way round.

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