Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Guys and Chics where are you @.Enough of Dark/Light skin Discrimination.

confidence is very important. For me, nothing is more of a turn off than a puppy eyed, following at my footsteps, begging man. A strong, confident man - very sexy. I mean, actually I think it's important for both sex. I have heard more than one man tell me that he found a woman more attractive and was more interested because she was confident. 
     To be honest with you guys the level of skin discrimination across the world is way to high.Why on earth would a woman have a low esteem of her looks.OK now I personally found out men her more actractted to light skin women but I think it ignorance.Too bad in the world we living in.Well I had a discussion with two beautiful ladies(one dark skin and the other light skin)I was so amazed when the dark skin lady said to me she wants to bleach hahahahah not even a tone…jeeez is it that bad.She was like nothing like Africa Queen again ooo.lolest.

Nike Oshonowo
                                         Agbani Darego

One of the things life as thought me is aura confidence. I have worked hard at it my whole life and it has opened doors for me that would not have opened without it. Some days it is little more than a facade, some days the feeling is spot on, but the key is I present myself with it daily regardless of how I really feel inside, because it makes me stronger as a woman.
If you a dark/light skin woman reading this,you need to know confident is all you need to stand out.You can have the best dress on with nice make up but the way you carry and present yourself in public really matters.You have to be proud of yourself for people to be proud of confident no matter what.the choice is yours,never live another man’s life.What you think about yourself is who you are.